Proposals Due: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 7:00 P.M.
Proposals to be opened at a Special Village Board Meeting
Description: The Village of Francis Creek is accepting sealed proposals for Snow Removal and Road Salting beginning winter 2023-2024 for 4.89 miles of Village roads. The contractor will purchase and store the sand/salt mix. Proposals must include a rate sheet with breakdown of equipment charges per hour and sand/salt mixture yardage rate (4:1 ratio minimum required). Proposals will be accepted until 7 pm, October 25, 2023. The proposals will be opened and read aloud immediately on October 25, 2023 during a Special Village Board Meeting. Bids can be mailed, placed in the drop box or hand delivered to:
Village of Francis Creek Village Hall, 200 Norwood Drive, PO Box 68, Francis Creek, WI 54214
The Village Board will not be obligated to accept the lowest proposal. The acceptance of the proposal be based upon the dependability and the manner in which each contractor has performed in the past and/or from references provided by the contractor in the proposal.
Contact the Village Hall with any questions at 920-682-7410 or
Insurance: The successful bidder must provide a Certificate of Insurance - Contractor Liability covering any Independent Contractors with their Bid.