The Village of Francis Creek is a municipality located in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. The Village Board consists of a Village President and four Trustees. There is also a part-time Clerk/Treasurer, part-time Park Supervisor, Street and Sanitation Supervisor, Assessor, Attorney, and Building Inspector. The Village Board meets on the first of each month at 7:00 PM.
We strive to build a strong and connected community, where residents feel safe and supported, and where businesses can thrive.

Our Vision
Our vision is to create a vibrant and sustainable community that attracts families, businesses, and visitors, and that is known for its high quality of life.

“Francis Creek” is named after a nearby stream. The stream was named for the founder in 1208 A.D. of the Franciscan Order, St. Francis of Assisi in Italy. His father, Signor Barnarcione, was traveling in France when his son was born. The mother named the child Giovanni but when the father returned he was not pleased with the name and gave him that of Francisca, when translating into English it is Francis, and Francois in French. Francis Creek was an unincorporated village situated in the middle of the Town of Kossuth on the C. & N. W. Railroad.
The Village of Francis Creek originally was named French Creek by a Frenchman, Joseph Poquin, who as early as 1842 had built and conducted a stopping place south of the creek and north of St Anne’s present cemetery on the old Green Bay Road. A saw mill and grist mill were built near the stream and two other French families, Lamere and Cayo are known to have lived in the vicinity, hence the name French Creek originated.
Early settlers in the town were L. Katzenmeyer, Nicholas Meyer, Valentine Meyer, Ludwig Ahlswede, J.D. Krundick, J. Spencer, C. Hessel, C. Ewen, Jacob Hessel, Quirin Wallau, and Henry Spencer. Later, B. Delsman, Wm. Robinson, Thomas Morh, Fred Dalwig, Henry Clusen, A Chloupek and J. Chloupek came to Kossuth. This was about 1850.
The first post office was located near the corner of N Packer Drive and Meadow Lane. John Stastny was one of the early postmasters. This post office continued until R.F.D. service was established by the government. The post office from its inception was named Francis Creek, evidently because the government did not desire a duplication of names, there being another Francis Creek in the State, and it was changed. In 1917 upon a petition circulated by F.C. Baugniet, a post office was again established in Hessel & Ewen Store. C.P. Kolicek was postmaster. Postmaster Kolicek was called to the service in the First World War and gave his life for his country. C.J. Hessel then became postmaster. At this time the government again sought to change the name of the post office to Axelyn due to the fact that another Francis Creek existed in the State. Upon petition circulated by a one Leo Meyer, deceased, the name was again changed back to Francis Creek.
The Village of Francis Creek became incorporated in April of 1960 by residents voting for or against the concept, which of course, the vote for incorporation won. The first President was Matt Kocian Jr., Lester Grall was Clerk, Clifford Meyer became Supervisor, Wencel Stransky and Glen Wadzinski were Trustees, Quirin Wachal became Marshall, Frank Check Jr. was the Assessor, Frederick Reif was Treasurer and Woodrow Aulik became the Justice of the Peace. At the present time the Village of Francis Creek is still run by a Board of Trustees that is voted into office by the residents. During odd numbered years residents vote for two Trustees and during even numbered years a President and two Trustees are voted for. The Clerk and Treasurer position was voted by the Board in October of 1982 to be made into one position and appointed rather than voted by the public, this same practice was also with the Marshall and Assessor positions. The Village no longer has a Justice of the Peace, all court proceedings are regulated through the Manitowoc County Judicial System.